
By Jeanie53

Childhood window

The window on the first floor on the left was the window of my bedroom until I was 20 years old. It wasn't our house - we rented it and after we moved out the house was extended and made into flats. It was built in 1897ish and seems to have been immediately divided down the middle. We had the smaller half (!) without the main staircase and large kitchen.

Thought this might be a good blip for today as I am just finishing 'Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?' by Jeannette Winterson and her descriptions of her adoptive family and childhood home in Accrington in the 1960s/70s made for stark reading. Thanks Mum and Dad for my uneventful childhood !

BTW, the Barbados beach blip from Saturday was the foreshore of the Thames between the National Theatre and Tate Modern !

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