Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Oh no, what now?

At 5am this morning there was a huge bang somewhere outside.  I was already lying awake listening to the overpowering roar and whip cracking of the gales and the rattling of sleet and snow on the windows so I suspected the worst.  MrsDB refused to go outside and check it out - (I've not been well y'know) yet she made me do it.  The outside security lights were blazing, nearby shrubs were setting them off so I peered through a window to examine the damage.  There was none visible.  I hurried back to bed to tell her that all was well but she was fast asleep.  Bless her.

In other news...   We lost one slate, a seat fell over (we can rebuild) and a small branch snapped off the farmer's tree into the garden.  I put it back this morning.  Yorkshire son tells us there were no incidents down there but Sunderland son had a different story.  A big hole in the red tile roof, one shed into next doors greenhouse, another in bits in the middle of the lawn.  Several metres of tall fence was destroyed and the big Coi carp pond had bits of it floating around.  Considering we only live 4 miles or so away we came out of the frightening evening extremely well.  The wind has now eased to a timid 46mph gust.  (4pm)

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