Three sheets to the wind.....

What a night last night was. Howling gale coming from the north ,sleet flurry,Baltic cold and a lot of things going bump in the night. The power flickered on and off until 10 pm when it went off and came on at half power. Presumed a phase was away on the transformer pole as usual, but no, wee brother has discovered that there are loads of trees down in the wood and the power lines are in half on the ground . So no power again tonight .
Fed the cattle by torch light this morning then ran Littlemiss to the castle as she was working the breakfast / lunch shift.
Mrs F at work today too.
2 cows calved during the night outside. One was up and sucked ok,the other had a set of twins,one dead one living. So a rodeo to get her in. The calf is now wrapped up in a horse rug as it was verging on hypothermia. Will see what it's like once it's warmed up a bit.
And the grain shed roof blew away last night too. The joys .. ..

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