
By stellarossa


We set off for our dog walk in the cold but by the time we reached the railway bridge it suddenly changed - an icy wind was blowing sideways snow at us. We persevered though and it soon passed. On the way back Tom (visiting from his new life in London) and I popped into the White House for fresh doughnuts - one cranberry and orange jam, one delicious honeycomb cream - and hot chocolate.

The rest of the day has been spent preparing warm clothes for my trip to Scotland and preparing Juno’s food bags for when she’s at the kennels. They post daily photos and videos (lots of videos show her sat on someone’s lap, tail wagging having her ears tickled or similar) so I know she’s having a lovely time but I can’t help worry about her getting stressed. It will take a few times before she knows for sure that I’ll always come back for her.

Excellent news that Beewriter will be coming for Christmas. Yay!

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