Enjoying that.

Tummy rubs.

We were dog sitting again part of today; daughter-in-law and older son at a kids birthday party for part of the afternoon. The three of them had been at her first puppy training class in the morning, it sounds like it went well. When Tallie arrived here she was bursting with energy and enthusiasm, but chilled eventually.

Younger son at rugby, his team playing in Glasgow. They lost, the result was in doubt right until the final few minutes, so well played both teams.

Stayed in. Under the weather.

I was going to watch the BaBas rugby game on TV but it was called off shortly before kickoff. Covid19.

Omnicron variant of Covid19 is a concern. Now in U.K. - no PCR testing on Entry since Government dropped in October. Looks like the Government in England are about to reintroduce face coverings.

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