Woke up to Snow

As most people we had a very windy night very cold and snow. 
Hope you all weathered it OK. it's a bit better now wind wise but so bitterly cold, I have dug out my long sleeved Damart thermal T shirt I've had it for years but it's still warm and cosy.

I was going to go with Paula in the car and just take Molly a very short walk with it being so cold, but then we found Amazon was coming soon so I stayed home and got all those jobs done I usually do in the afternoon, so had a quiet rest later.

I made myself a drink of juice and ended up knocking it over it went all over the worktop and me my phone was in my pocket so I had to whip it out and dry it as quick as possible. then I cleaned the top, the cupboard doors and washed the floor, went off upstairs got changed and took off my wet slippers and socks and put dry socks on, brought some washing down walked across to the washer and realised the floor was still wet and so were my clean dry socks so had to go change them again.

Watched a bit of the ladies rugby this afternoon, then at 5 watched Boris' speech about the new covid variant Omicrom, hope we are not going back to square one, ah well keep the masks on and away from people.

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