
By Angelique


Were we crazy? probably.  We drove down to Crantock, Cornwall to see our special friends for lunch at CBay.  This is the view from the car window.  It was so cold and the wind so bad that I couldn't open the car door.  Mr A had to open it for me and lean back holding the door frame as the wind tried to snap it out of his hands.

I had to carry Oscar up the cafe door as the wind was blowing him sideways.  Once inside and looking like a Worzell Gummidge look alike, our friends were already there smiling and waving.

We thoroughly enjoyed a wonderful lunch and all too soon it was time to make our farewells.  There were tears of sadness and we don't know when we will get back again.

After that we went and saw the Christmas lights with so much work being done by the usual amazing people in the village.  Quick check on the crafts on display before the heavens opened and hail was falling.

Another long 2 hour dash home and we were all glad to be once again in the warm.  Shelley was ecstatic to see us all and she and Oscar were soon curled up together.

It will be a leisurely day today.  Out to The White Heart for lunch and curl up all together later.  Sending love and hugs.  Stay warm and safe. xxxx

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