Just a Dusting

Cut some neep tops and cabbages and threw them to the sheep.  Walked round to Grindalay House.  When we were away walking I remembered I heard a strange ‘peep’ in the night – it was 02.35 hrs.  It maybe explains why our fridge freezer has packed in.  After the Current Mrs Creel transferred everything to the flat freezer I took a pail of water and my tuning fork to try and make repairs.  After swearing at the fuse box (a skill I inherited from my mother) it was working again.  So my box of Magnums is still intact.
It wasn’t a fruitful trip for the Vale up to Brora yesterday – as you are all no doubt aware.
Just had another bitter blow too.  Elma died from Covid twelve days ago; now her daughter has died from Covid in the same ICU in Foresterhill, Aberdeen.  Her twin sister Fiona just called to tell us.  Sandy and the family are truly on the ropes.

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