..... SKY!
But the temperature reads -1%c bru, can't believe it as the sun is out . It really is a cold feel to the day. Wrap up warm and enjoy.
Itwas the 1st Sunday in Advent today and the 1st candle was lit , the Sunday school again delighted us with their made crowns and candles. This is the season of preparation. There is lots to do, primarily it's our own preparation in the church year for the expected arrival. But theres also preparations for Santa to visit! For festivities and party's , do hope folk will be sensible ,with this new strain of the virus we mustn't be complacent, cos' by what the scientists know at the moment , it is very transmit able .( well all viruses are!) Please take care of yourselves and think of others too. Just as we thought we were coming out of the mire along comes another one .
Hope you enjoy a safe & good Sunday everyone .
Thoughtful .... of how cold it is , but great to see the sun.
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