More snow overnight…

but fine, floating and frequent, so I’ve called it Feathers. Yesterday, was icy pellets, so I’ve called in Knives and Friday  was heavy and wet so I’ve called it Slobs. This is the start of the Scot has so many words for snow, like Eskimaux! 
It was snowing as I went up the hill but I waited at the viewpoint and the sun came through and blue sky appeared. I was wondering on the way up if there was something like a rainbow but when it was snowing. The extra appeared so it is a Snowbow.
Anyone that has read the above will think the cold has gone to my brain!
Lots of birdlife today in the woods, Longtailed tits, Coal tits, Chaffinches, Bullfinches, Fieldfares, Robins, Blackbirds and as I returned a Woodcock flew across the field.
Plenty of squirrel and deer prints in the snow.

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