
By DancingAly

Organising Queen

Little Ro, who absolutely insisted that instead of just putting all my clothes back into the new wardrobe, we go through and get rid of anything that no longer sparks joy....! She did a great job, colour coding and sorting my wardrobe -  slightly embarrassing and sad to see so may lovely things I've never worn, and yet I still live in leggings and t-shirts.... 

I thought we tackled the drawers yesterday, but she went through them again, squealing when I'd put stuff back in the 'wrong' drawer....! "This is the jammie drawer, not the gym and leisurewear drawer!". We actually filled two large bags with things to take to the charity shops. I definitely want to live in a most minimalist way, most of these things I've not seen for 6 months, and haven't missed them.

I had a lie-in of sorts, then took the last car-load of things to my new house. I then took as much rubbish as I could to the dump, and then went to Waitrose for a few bits. Truth be told I could have done without it, but Little B had no meat, no dog food and no eggs, and was sniffing around waiting for a decent breakfast so I caved! After the terrible wind and rain yesterday, it was beautifully sunny and crisp. Make that freezing, but I hardly noticed with having so much to do. 

I went back to mum's, and hoovered my car which was a bit of a state. Then we shifted two sofas up to the playroom where all my stuff had been... don't ask. 

Then after a cup of tea and a hot cross bun, Little Ro and I tackled my closet. We worked till about 4:30pm, and I clocked up a lot of steps and active minutes. My calf muscles really hurt with all the lifting and carrying. 

Really grateful for a sister (and mum!) that help when you need it :-)

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