A beautiful day!

6 months old and her first snow

Started slow with me burying myself under blankets after taking Scout out first thing to sleep and stay warm. Cathie appeared at some point and said something about the Santa Fun Run. I looked up when it was setting off. We had three mins to leave the house! It was decided that we would go. So we piled on the clothes and ‘marshmallow jacket, Santa/elf hat and gloves …. and we were gone … into the cold morning with a little snow in the air. In the rush we both forgot our phones to take photos.
We got to the high street before they had set off and found a good spot on the curb to watch them go by. Scout was beside herself with excitement. I ended up sitting on the curb and cradling her to stop her from jumping on Santa runners!
Once they had all gone we walked along a quieter side street to help calm her back down. There we found a brass band playing and the snow was now falling thick and fast. We climbed the iron stairs into the arcade and watched the finishing Santa’s from there and listened to the band. It was lovely. It was Christmasy!
Then into the cake’ole for brunch.
On the way back we stopped at the grass beside the park at the bottom of our road and let Scout have a run. She jumped around and had some ‘zoomies’!
I think she enjoyed her first snow. :)
Back home I grabbed my phone so I could get some photos of her and went back down to the park. We heard a pipe band practicing so went to listen to them for a bit. A walk up the high street to see the stalls now that it was quieter for Scout then a final run at the wee park before home.
I had temporarily forgotten how ice balls would form round Scout’s paws. Chipped the bigger ones off a bit with her comb then let her thaw gradually on her bed as she slept.
It wasn’t forecast to snow today but it did a fine job. Fluffy, thick snow that lay good and fairly deep. About 2-3”.
This evening the roads are still white and it’s freezing. It’ll be entertaining trying to get into work tomorrow.

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