Celebrating birthdays
We seem to have picked the worst day of the year to arrange to go out to dinner with friend R and Mr P to celebrate two birthdays (and unexpectedly a wedding anniversary). After an impromptu dinner the previous night with the aforementioned pair (they had no power and we did), they returned home this morning. We were planning to follow later as we had booked a night and dinner in a pub near them. The would be joining us for dinner. We were a bit concerned as the pub/restaurant had had problems and had just reopened after the effects of storm Arwen but they reported that all was well so we decided to go. It was a bit cold, but they assured us that everything was working. Fortunately we sat near a roaring fire while we ate our dinner. All things dinner related went well other than getting nearly a whole chicken for my main course. Even with some help from one of my fellow diners I only managed about half of this portion! We had a very pleasant evening with friends and I was very surprised to receive a pearl necklace from Mr D - our anniversary was months ago.
We went off to bed warm and full... then the fun began. About midnight the fire alarm went off. We had to get dressed and evacuate. We had no idea why, nor did we find out as the alarm just stopped and we all went back in again. When we had returned to our room I realised that we were very near to the emergency generator that the pub was using to enable them to reopen following the previous days problems. Having heard it I then struggled to get back to sleep! I am not used to such background noise! In the morning things were ok except for the sub zero temperature in the bathroom. I decided to get dressed quickly and washed only those bits not covered with clothes. We did have a good breakfast but it was a shame that there were so many problems! I must admit I was pleased to set off home.
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