A Piece of History

This 18ton 40’ Hillyard schooner arrived in the harbour a couple of weeks ago. Not just any old schooner, oh no - but Runagate! Yes indeed, owned by Neville Shute from 1939 to 1949. It’s not looking in too good nick. Some “Shutists” tracked it down to Newcastle in 2007 where an old live aboard dreamer “had plans” to do it up. The current owner tied up alongside the dredger in the west harbour (free moorings) and departed the scene. And of course it broke free in Friday night’s storm. It was bashed about for a few hours overnight in the corner before some of the club rescued it and tied it up alongside the south wall of the west harbour. Well,  we didn’t want it sinking in the corner where we lift in.
So, I just had to get down that ladder and get on board to prowl around. And I did. I may be one of the last - one more storm and it’ll be at the bottom. 
Later, to Vue to see Spencer. Well, slap my legs and call me Judy etc, but what a wonderful film! Just terrific. A fable from a true tragedy, as the opening credits say.

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