Cabin .....

..... fever.

I usually work all weekend and Mondays, but have had the last couple of days off due to the Easter holidays and have spent them mainly bouncing off the walls at home. This afternoon I needed to escape, so jumped on the first bus that came along and ended up in Otley.

I didn't spend too long in Otley as it was fairly quiet with a lot of the shops being closed for the bank holiday. After an hour of pottering and a cup of tea in a cafe I jumped back on the bus back to Ilkley ( which is where I took this photo ). I got off the bus a mile or so from home and walked the last part of the journey along the river, enjoying the cold, but sunny weather today.

I'm not too sure about this photo as it dosn't feel like my usual blips, but it sort of sums up the day nicely in a single image. I'm going to have to plan to do something a bit more interesting for the next bank holiday, so today's blip is .....

..... Cabin fever.

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