
It's wonderful stuff and to celebrate his recovered condition we went out this morning for a WALK.....The first in 5 days. almost 10 km later we returned. I was  SSD's  ( small stuffed dogs) are tough...errr durable? 
Wanaka has changed over the years and we were passed by groups of older ladies on electric bikes on the lakeside track.. Grrreat to see this but none of them had brought The Boss coffee....Much laughter instead. It's heading to be hot at 25 C with a projected high of 27 but our apartment is aligned East/West so misses the high noon sun. Grrrreat!
TinyTip.  This stalk was in a terrible place for access so he used the 10 sec self timer to position his iPhone which also gave it time to focus on the right bit. AND took more than one pic too. 

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