This Little Piggy..... in a blanket!

We made a second offer on Ugly House today at midday. Still not heard anything at 6pm. I think that's a bit rude when you are potentially spending neatly half a million quid!! At least just ring and say no news!

We did a drive past a few other potential houses to save time on pointless viewings. An area is just as important as a house and no, I don't want to live down a muddy lane next to an industrial estate!!

Walked Bella alone. Met the guy who I thought had blown himself up a few weeks ago. He laughed and said the noise was an empty coke bottle exploding on a bonfire but thanked me for my concern!

Made a pig in a blanket for Sam. His favourite ever food and each Christmas I buy him something pig in blanket related!! Last year it was a pot noodle, crisps and socks!!

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