Finding My Bearings

By JustJuli

Jumping hurdles - phew!

I felt physically ill this morning, worrying about whether everything had been OK at work during the two days I was off, not helped by having had a nightmare that I'd prepared cover lessons for the wrong week! Although I'm only 'supply', I do feel that a lot is resting on this placement going well so that would have been a total disaster.

As it happens, the cover supervisors actually sought me out to thank me for how clear and well-organised the work had been, and to say how brilliant the kids had been. One even said 'They obviously like you!', which was amazing. The lady who sorts out the cover needed did one as well, and said she was very relieved that it went so well as it doesn't always!

We also did our 'returning to the UK' covid tests, which were thankfully negative, and sent off the results. I feel very sorry for anyone caught up in the new 'self-isolation until a negative result comes through' rule... although it'll be a long time before we risk going abroad again!

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