
By Farmerboab

The jet set......

Another one of those days.....
Cattle fed by torch light again.
Think yesterday's calf has sucked so left it to get on with it.
Ran the spring calving cows that have been shut in since we weaned them last Tuesday back to their field,bedded the shed with some fresh wheat straw then brought in a field of autumn calving cows and calves. Just shut the shed door when the rain started,so timed to perfection. Always better to house dry cattle as wet ones get steamed up and increases the chances of pneumonia. And we won't be giving the calves their vaccine until we have some electricity to run the clippers to do their backs.
After lunch,the drainer's arrived in to have another go at unblocking some drains in the steading with their jetting machine. It is a big hose reel with a nozzle on the end that blasts water up the drain to clear it. Unfortunately the inspection box in the ground had caved in so they had to bring the digger in to open it up. They also managed to find and burst a water pipe,and skin the outside of the underground electric cable ! Luckily we still have no power so there was no big bang.
Was beginning to wish I'd stayed in the house this afternoon....
The electric company arrived about 5pm ,and I can hear chainsaws working in the rain and darkness tonight cutting up all the fallen trees that brought the power lines down. Whether we have power by tomorrow remains to be seen,but I don't begrudge the men on the ground having to work in this weather. Everyone moans about having no electric,but I bet few of them would go up poles in all weathers to fix things.

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