Life at 88mph

By neet

I'm back!

A couple of weeks ago, whilst drowning I work, I decided that blipping had become a bit of drag, a chore that had moved well down my list of my priorities and, as a result, I was back blipping more often than not. Surely that was a sign that I needed a break, so, as much as it has killed me, I had one. Now, the control freak in me will never forgive myself for that 3 week break, but my sanity required it (plus 504 in a row was far more than I ever expected to achieve).

Now that I'm back, I feel that I need to reconnect with my fellow blippers to try and keep some mojo, momentum and meaning in my journal so am going to try my hardest to check in regularly. Hope you've all had a lovely and relaxing Easter break.

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