I Can't Take It No Mo'

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

The 'stache is gone! History! Hacked off my face!

It got a lot of comment over the last month. My favourite came from Ellie who said, "Oh my god! You've grown a clit-tickler!"

Sadly, I never got to test this theory, on account of Caro thought it made me look like her dad and it would have just been SICK and WRONG.

So I was glad to see the back of it, to be honest. 

As some of you may remember, I spent the years 1993 to 1998 with a full-on bushy beard YEARS before hipsters made it hip. In fact, I remember one recruitment agency even telling me to "lose the beard" back in the day because beards are WEIRD.


Of course now EVERYONE has a beard* especially in IT and it is annoying to me because having done it for half a decade I would never want to go back.

In fact, I only grew the damn beard for Soozle in the first place. She was into them, you see. So when we broke up, I remember hacking the damn thing off as a cathartic, symbolic moment. No, really. It was like saying goodbye and being freeeeeeeee...

I also got to have fun with it. I didn't shave it off all at once. I first fashioned myself a "Jason King" moustache. Then I shaved a bit more and gave myself a "Freddie Mercury" and of course I finished up with "The Hitler". 

I was considering doing the same thing tonight. But no. This time there was no catharsis or symbolic freedom. Just the annoyance of stray 'stache hairs going up my nose and tickling my upper lip. 

So I just HACKED it off. And felt much better afterward. 

It is just possible that the only good thing about growing this 'stache was shaving it off afterward.


* Except the ladies. Well, mostly.

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