For Your Pleasure

Roxy demolished the chicken thigh behind the beech shrub where it was safe,  came back for the the smaller pieces, then took the egg. Last to go were the dog biscuits. 

He must have been hungry tonight as he was in early for which I was thankful! 

The egg he picks up with his lips very gently so as not to break it which looks like quite an art. Tonight he accidentally dropped it on the grass but all was ok. It was bitterly cold outside, windy and rainy so very glad he managed to get a full meal especially without breaking into the chicken area. Hubs is confident it's like Fort Knox out there and I wouldn't want Roxy to prove him wrong!! 

Lovely to have a very impromptu meet with HelenJG this afternoon even though there was unfortunately no wildlife of any shape or form out and about.

For Your Pleasure -  Roxy Music 1973

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