Copenhagen Dreaming

By dennisjorgensen


It's been more than a year since my last entry. A lot has happened. I've had 3 different jobs after I graduated as an occupational therapist in 2019. Now I finally feel I'm in the right spot. Doing creative activities in a youth psychiatry institution. Music, photography, sports etc.
For a long time before my last entry, I mostly used Blipfoto to follow my fellow Copenhagener, Robert (Copenhagen and me) who we sadly lost around that time. From time to time I shuffle through his journal, which I really admire. We had somewhat of a partnership and a healthy, not-mentioned, competition since we roamed the same streets. I really miss his intelligent and witty entries.
A couple of days ago I shuffle through my own journal and realized, that I've been missing out on All the warmth and support, that has always been a big part of my desire to keep on blipping since I joined in 2007. So I'm back with the intention to be a more frequent contributor. I hope, I'll succeed..!

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