Today the drawing office moved back upstairs. We are still leasing the office space on the ground floor because we can't break our lease mid-term, but having got rid of so many staff already it has been decided to huddle us closer together to save on heating, lighting, extra zip-taps & fridges etc. It's that pennies down the back of the sofa thing again. But I am as happy as Larry because this time I have a window seat and this is my view. Across the wood-yard with its frantic fork-lift activity to the wharf where the Scottish ships offload their Swedish cargo and across the river to the cathedral, the castle and the yuppie waterfront town-house construction site. No more blinds drawn for me!
2016: It was his turn for a cancer diagnosis, his on his vocal chords. Between 3rd May and 9th October the cottage had only two vacant nights. A friend put our sheep in with his so that I didn't need to cope with them as well but I found that it was as easy as anything to manage the cottage and its guests, as well as the vegetable garden and the chickens while he was away on the mainland from Mondays to Fridays having his treatment. All he needed to do was the weekly pool maintenance when he was home for the weekends. And yes, even though the business and the public healthcare contributions were all in my name, he received free treatment as my spouse and even had his travel paid for.
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