Oh Christmas tree

I'm not a Mary Poppins kind of mum where everything is perfect and I'm all sweet with my wildlings. I have my moments. When it comes to sickness I am the absolute worst . I giggle while I type this but it's true. Last night not long after the Wildlings had been put into bed , I was dealing with Harp who had a accident, the Jedi was crying in his cot and Xander screamed from his bed " Lincoln is being sick " . I hate sick. It was everywhere. Normally if Mr R is at home I get him to deal with it but he was working. Poor Lincoln. Turned out he wasn't faking a sicky. But I had to put my big girl pants on and clean it all up. 

We have all had a day at home today. I kept everyone off as I don't want to spread germs. He's been in good form today. Not really eaten much but he's been happy. So we decided to decorate the Christmas tree. It's not the best looking tree in the world but I love it because it was done by the Wildlings. The Jedi may look like he's putting on a bauble but he was trying to take them off. Within 5 minutes of the tree being up it was on its side. He is worse than a cat . 

Picture of our wonky tree in extras 

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