How am I gonna find my way alone

This was the road to work this morning. 

It's quite something when the sun isn't up til after 8.30.. but when it comes up in the morning like this. wow. 

I had a ball today.    I popped out at lunchtime to grab some lovely bread for rusticy bacon butties for tea, and whilst I was driving past the airport, and the station I was listening to bounced (the airport does some weird things to radio signals) and I found myself listening to Heart 70's. 

Ah my goodness.   

When I got back to the evil spreadsheet (60 pages, 21, 000,000 formulae)  I stuck post-its to my door, stuck my headphones on and  turned it on as loud as I can.  I was lost to the world.
It's amazing what music does to you... 

Que Sera - Mi vida - Actually early 1980s, just as I fell ill, I was back in my bed flicking through my Smash Heat.   

Bellamy Brothers - back in Speed Records, with Wullie- who was telling me what I should listen to, whilst Glenn behind the counter rolled his eyes, convinced that regardless of who informed or educated me, he was going to constantly be embarrassed to sell me whatever I asked for. 

My Sharona - Aviemore - where me and my pal while were were on holiday got into the disco well underage and had an absolute ball.  

Donna Summer, On the Radio.   Being at the Anchorage  Disco with the gals I worked beside in the restaurant. I was so underage and we were all wearing the most god awful Laura Ashley dresses (our uniform) they were drinking pints and I was just dancing my socks off -  I was so excited  to be out with girls who drunk pints, and getting to dance with sailors 

I know what I'll be listeningn to tomorrow.

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