Fox tree

In my book I took risk taking to new levels this afternoon, yoga with an Instructor who told us she had a cold, fortuitously for once I had placed my mat near the back, followed by swimming in an almost empty pool, and then I used the sauna. This partly on the recommendation of son #1 who tells me regular use can extend your life length by 20% which is one factor contributing to Finland’s high life expectancy. Plus the heat makes it safe, allegedly. I’m not sure if all that applies when there are 6 people in the sauna, there were 3 when I arrived which was unsettling enough.
The rest of the day was spent translating something Christmassy and in latin for E. R provided me with a literal translation which was a start, I then had to improvise quite a lot. It reminded me of a french poetry translation competition when I was about 12 or 13. The top three entries were all very different. 
 And at the remains of the day I am without a blip. Yesterday I put up my winter tree to align with the meteorological start of winter. I’ll add a few baubles to make it a Christmas one later in the month. I could not resist blipping the cute looking fox.

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