NZ Autumn 2025

By AndrewNZ

One of many

Maersk Nansha on Port Nelson's Main Wharf with both cranes discharging containers. Maersk being the biggest shipping company in the world and Maersk Nansha is one of their 708 vessels.
Maersk Nansha is 13 years old  and 209 metres long x 30 metres and can hold 2546 TEU's (Twenty foot Equivalent Units).

First I was Pfizered and now I'm Boosted. Excellent!

Continuing from my Blip on the 1st the launches engine is now back together and fully functioning but I have suggested a fishing trip is in order as a test.

Work continues on my own boat in preparation for sale a Boat Blip will appear.

BBQ at V1k1's tomorrow with the Forrester so maybe a Blip there?

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