Leaving Home
Yesterday's image. I took a series of shots to try and gauge the right setting for doing some ICM (intentionally camera movement) before setting off to Wortley Hall for an hours walk in the grounds. In the end this was my favourite. Sometimes you have those days when you don't get it right and yesterday was one of them. Maybe I was just trying too hard. The time and the lighting conditions were very similar to the ones on my last visit but yesterdays images didn't work for me at all.
At least I had some photos from yesterday - today's has been a no-photography day for me, though I did manage some clearing up in the front garden. I've still got quite a lot to do though. The leaf fall has been very late this year and only hastened by the snow last weekend. When it melted it left behind a soggy mass of leaves. Still quite a few more to come off the ornamental plum tree.
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