I knew what I wanted
but it did'nt materialise. I snapped this Acidanthera from so many angles this morning. I loved the raindrops formed on the stems, and the bloom, but just could'nt capture it as I imagined it. Anyway I did'nt have time to play around in the garden this morning, it was damp & dismal and I'd decided to give it a good winter clean up, so plants cut back, cuttings taken, garden waste plonked in the back of Deano's wagon which he conveniently parks on the roadside opposite our house. Plant saucers washed & stacked, bird feeders filled, then it was lunch time as my husband kindly reminded me. After a late lunch I had to take the car to the garage in CK to get the wheels balanced. That took about 15-20mins then home again.
Was going to make pasties but could'nt be faffed to make individuals so I made a gert biggun, in a swiss roll tin ( 23cm x 33cm or 9" x 13" in old money). Made & ready to go in the oven, it was cider o' clock, medicine time, & The Chase.
We each had a quarter of the "pasty", the other half we'll eat cold tomorrow.
Thanks to BikerBear/Anni for hosting
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