I Like Candy Canes!

Flight arrived 4 minutes early at 9:20 a.m. to a beautiful sunny 70F day.  First stop - breakfast. Long night for them getting to Boston from New Hampshire via car, bus and then plane to Myrtle Beach (about 90 miles away).  At the time that was the only flight available, now there are direct flights from NH to Wilmington for just a little more. Came home to see "her doggie" and regroup a little before we hit the beach.  Extras.  The final extra is the closest I could get to a Family Photo. It was like herding cats!

I am delighted that she loves the ocean as much as I do.  Sand toys purchased.  She went into the water while we stood very nearby. Completely soaked by the time we headed back to the car and came home for a bath and jammies. Then when she was all snuggled in and it was only 6 p.m. we went to Flaming Amy's Burrito Barn - looks like a corrugated metal barn you might find in Ensenada, Mexico but the food is healthy, with lots of veggies and sustainably sourced proteins, and spiced just perfectly and you can get it "your way".  Their logo says "Fast, Cheap and Easy".  It was fast, but the prices are climbing along with all the other prices in the last month and it was Easy.  So 2 out of 3 made it worthwhile. Came home to play a few games and make some Play Dough cookies before Ben arrived at 9:15 after his "meeting".  By 10 p.m. we were all tucked into our beds and quiet prevailed.

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