New Arena

In the end of the street you can see part of the new Arena. From some angle it looks a bit like certain Death star of Star wars. I hope the links opens, so you can see what I mean... The streets of those blocks will be closed every time as the happenings in the Arena end and maximum 13.000people will burst out. Not sure how the plan will succeed. 

Yesterday there was the very first local game of ice-hockey. Today is another.

The little people of Lego Star wars are planning to have a match of their own, I guess!

An early morning for me. Later as hubby woke up, we drove to the market, had breakfast and bought potatoes, eggs and onions straight from producers.

Nice weather in the afternoon, - 10c with fresh wind, so we walked 5km route around our near lake. I feel that I can walk again. But of course my knees become sore afterwards. Maybe it was too long a walk, or I just have to adapt to the new personally formed insoles longer time


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