Silly Saturday

RavensRoost is hosting Silly Saturday this month, and has challenged us to think of the various unofficial holidays happening today - eg Cookie Day, Dice Day & Sock Day.

Well this is my effort to celebrate Silly Sock Day with the socks on these knitted pillar box figures spotted at York station today.

We had an awayday to York to have lunch there with my Editor's sister (who lives in Sheffield) along with her son, daughter-in-law and their two children (who live in Harrogate - so York was a good meeting point). We hadn't seen the younger members of the family for ages because of lockdowns so it was lovely to see them and we had a super time.

Before getting the train home we had time for a look around York Christmas market. The first extra shows a mulled wine stall - and I thought the names of their products were very suitable for Silly Saturday too (I thought I'd better avoid "Christmas Flirt" and "Santa's Sin", not to mention "Hot Love" though!).

The market was really busy as you can see from the second extra.

(The Silly Saturday Challenge is, of course, celebrated in memory of its late founder, Admirer.)

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