Third time lucky!

It’s not me, it’s my sister!
In her words (today she announced her pregnancy)
“It’s been a long a difficult journey to get to this point,..2 operations, Endometrisis & Adenomyosis diagnosis,..battles with the nhs for treatment,.visits to various clinics including Norway,..5 years in the making,..3 rounds of IVF & the sad loss of baby number 1 at 9 weeks,..third time lucky with our rainbow baby due May 2022,..we’re very excited!”

I have hoped, prayed, crossed fingers and toes, wished on white feathers, you name it! I have wanted nothing more than for my sister to get her long awaited baby.
Now we just have to hope all goes to plan and baby arrives healthy and safely in 6 months time… there’s still a way to go but this is the best news we’ve had so far :))

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