My friend Cindy came by yesterday with Banjo, a very big Newfoundland. We were laughing at the two of them who both knew that the Kong was on the floor at Spike's feet, but were sort of trapped between the coffee table and the couch and didn't quite know how to proceed. I didn't want to get up for my camera so Cindy handed me hers. Not the best picture I've ever taken, but it captured the moment.
I've done something to my back and John has done something to his shoulder. We managed to take a sedate walk around the circuit with Spike and kept going to do a little Christmas shopping. There was an old lady who came into the store with her care giver, who must have the patience of Job. The old lady complained about the prices, about the service (given the fact that she was such a good customer) and about the fact that she couldn't hear her caregiver through her mask...Everyone managed to keep it together and remain polite but I think i could almost hear everybody in the store breathed a sigh of relief when she left. We crept around the store like a couple of invalids and decided that further shopping would have to wait for another day. We're becoming our parents!
Gustavo finished the tile in the bathroom today and said he'd be back on Monday for the final step...sealing the tile and putting silicone around the tub and the window. I was distressed when John confessed to Cindy that he wasn't wild about it but after Gustavo took away all the paper and masking tape he came around....
John was wearing a down vest I had never seen before, and when I asked him where he found it, he said that it was on the back of a chair. I told him that I didn't think it was his. He has a vest the same color but it isn't remotely the same. Makes me wonder how much attention he pays to what he's wearing...or to his surroundings in general! Son Matthew commented that Spike and John made a great can't see and the other one can't hear....
I think it's time to wash down a couple of Advils with a glass of wine. Tomorrow is another day....
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