April Fools

Not much of a picture, but in keeping with the April Challenge's prompt today of "April Fools", I discovered this. With this being my last year in teaching, I keep cleaning out files and drawers, although I know the last week will be a major exodus.

Anyway, I found this file with many letters and cards from students and fellow teachers. Pictured here from the left: A poem from a student with many inside story references - probably written about 2005 or 2006. This young lady is now writing for a musical magazine in New York City; The little tie-dyed card, another thank you note from a student who obviously felt my class provided some haven from a tough time in her life. These two documents are the real rewards in teaching.

And then there's the note on the right. This one is actually from a fellow teacher, a buddy who shared a love of "Seinfeld" with me. We always traded lines and barbs with each other. When staff members were prodded to write encouraging notes to each other, he dropped this Seinfeld quote in my mailbox. Maybe my buttocks are sublime - I can't tell, they're always behind me. The funny thing is that the note right after this one reads, "Not that there's anything wrong with that."

My April Fool's.

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