New Adventures

By P1nkdragen

Ben Lomond

After a lovely couple of days catching up with the in-laws, we said goodbye in the morning and took another stroll over to the Christmas Market at Chatelherault.  The weather was completely different today - still cold but super sunny and clear.  I got all excited as we could see snow on Ben Lomond in the distance, P suggested 'why don't we go drive and see it?'.  A quick lunch back at home and we were off to Loch Lomond.  Good thinking P.

We first stopped off at the RSPB Gartocharn Reserve where there was this cracking view of Ben Lomond and possibly Ban Narnain.  Plus we followed a Roe deer through the woods and watched the rats under the bird feeders.  It's a small reserve but well worth a stop and apparently full of red squirrels, but they were all hiding from the cold today.  After we nipped round the corner to Balmaha, where we haven't been since we did the West Highland Way around 18 years ago.  The path along the shore is lovely and much quieter than the west side of the Loch.  All in all a great day.

Today's Soundtrack: Brooklands by Big Big Train (always get it in my head at Loch Lomond)

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