Up and at ‘em

Up early (having dreamt it was Monday so being a bit confused first thing!) and drove over to Portobello to the big dog paddock near the beach. Paisley made good use of the whole field - dashing around at speed and pelting the full length of it several times chasing her ball. She wasn’t in the least interested in any of the other toys there, only likes her own!
It was another beautiful morning, with the cloud clearing and lovely light and, unlike yesterday, it stayed clear and sunny all day.
We came back via the doughnut and cinnamon bun shop (extra) and ate them with a coffee back home before setting off down to town. Had a wander around a craft fair and a few shops, working through our list fairly successfully, and a welcome stop for a sit down and hot chocolate/tea, then home on the bus from John Lewis.
I got stuck into baking florentines for our offices whilst A wrapped presents and made the advent calendar for N ….rather good and made from felt, that worked out easier than her first thought of using glitter card.
Made a massive roast dinner and we enjoyed all of the many elements then cleared up the kitchen, finished the last of the ironing and put everything away then felt justified in collapsing a bit on the sofa before an early night.

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