Wet Marigold

Drizzle all day. I set off for my appointment with the doctor, the next step in applying for a renewal of my driver’s licence. Over half-way there I noticed smoke in my rear view mirror, lots of it. I pulled off the road and was enveloped in a great cloud. Grabbed my bag and jumped out, afraid the car would blow up, but it turned out to be steam. A man driving past stopped and was very helpful, opening the bonnet, and helping me to call the AA. The AA was busy- had me on hold for 25 minutes before I could talk to anyone. Was told the car should not be driven and they would send a tow truck. I spent hours stranded in the country in the rain. Two trucks engaged to come to my aid were diverted because of accidents, but the third turned up at last. The driver took the car and me to a service station that is about 30 kms from home. My son took time off work to pick me up and take me home. It was an anticlimax of a day.

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