
By zippyhippy

The Hitchhiker

Stopped for this hitchhiker this morning but had to drop him off again quick smart, he was a bit of a menace.

Kicked off my new training routine this morning with a 6 mile run before my Body Step class. This meant getting up at 0400 and out the door by 0500. Think that I have finally found a place in my schedule for my third running day as although it was hard work doing the run and the class, it was preferable to doing it tonight after work. There is never any tension at home when I get up and exercise when everybody is still in bed and it is a bit unfair for the wife to be at home all day with the girls and then I come home and head off out again so an evening run or class isn't really an option. Plus I love spending the evenings with mis chiquitas.

Spoke to my big buddy who is a bit of an expert on these things and he reckons running on consecutive days should be alright so thinking of Thursday and Friday which would free up Saturday for a bike ride. This way everybody is happy

Really could do with 8 days in the week though.

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