First snow

Very wet and slushy snow. It rained so most of the snow has fallen off the trees but there's still a slushy mess on the ground. Lucky I took this quite early because I didn't have a chance to take after we spent a frustrating afternoon trying to resolve an internet issue on our tv with some websites not working. We couldn't get the last two of Kalyn's games to play but were able to watch them on the laptop and desktop. Spent a long time on the phone with a technician who finally said that the problem was with the website, not the tv, so he couldn't resolve it. His advice was to call the website to see if whoever was in charge of that could help. I have no idea why we could watch on the other two devices where the website worked perfectly. We'd already tried everything that he did after he took control of the tv so calling was useless. We'd watched every other game with no problem. Hopefully we'll be able to watch the games on the tv next season. 

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