No editing

Couldn’t sleep. Again.

Got up, let Malin (Border Collie) and Jacob (Springer Spaniel pup) out to the loo, fed them and Buster (the cat) then took Malin for a walk after I’d managed to herd Jacob into his sleeping crate.

Pitch black when we set out. Once away from street lights it wasn’t possible to see where you were walking. Just fumbling on regardless.

Very frosty with some thicker ice patches and black ice, but also some very odd little patches which were ice and frost free and significantly warmer than the surrounding areas. Quite bizarre.

Anyway. Could only just make out the outline of the trees against the sky and couldn’t see where I was walking when I took this.

There was the merest hint of pink on the horizon (to the naked eye).

Still amazes me what a camera can ‘see’ in comparison to the human eye. This is completely unedited. Just as it came out the camera.

Maybe that’s what I need….camera eyes!

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