Commodore and ex-

Out to Coburg House to their Christmas Fair and before long I was getting stocked up on Christmas fripperies. And there was David Schofield in his studio with his latest works - including, blimey - a boat. On the beach on the north side of Muck where he’d stayed in July. And which I’d photographed with the SK in the foreground when we were there in September. So we just had to have it for that spare bit of wall.   
Later - the FCYC Christmas party, held at 2pm to allow people with kids to come along. Not sure about the wisdom of that, I mean, kids running about? And when do you call a halt to the partying? But first, that old pals act where the trophies are handed out briefly to the same old people before being collected again and taken back to be deposited in a high security vault. Or shipping container as we usually call it. 

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