Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Hard Rock but no Heavy Metal

Sometimes it’s good to have the builders still on site.  Our garden designer isn’t starting work on the garden until 5th January but he was worried that stocks of materials are getting low so had arranged for four pallets of various types of stone and paving to be delivered today.  The plan had been to put them in the garage but the delivery man only had a hand operated fork lift with small rollers, and as the roads have not yet had their final surface there was no way he could get it over the raised kerbs.  I went over to see the building site manager who agreed to let us have use of the huge JCB they have.  The only downside was that, whilst there was space at a push in the garage to store all four pallets, the big JCB was not manoeuvrable enough to get in more than two, so the other two have to stay on the driveway.  I was going to try and get a shot of the JCB on my drive but it was pouring with rain and I was getting soaked so this is the best I could manage.

Dreadful weather all day long; cold and wet.

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