A Drive on the wild side!

In my wisdom!!!!I decided to drive to Glasgow to collect himself after his hospital appointment.  My wonderful pal offered to look after pene and the pup while I took the Anthill Mob (daughters dogs) back to Glasgow. 
Ok  twas a tad breezy when I left  but shortly down the road I was dodging tree branches,stuck traffic lights (apparently further along the A83 traffic was at  standstill waiting for lights to change but change they did not!!! It seems that the steady falling snow that had by now joined the gale force wind and rain, can cause the traffic light sensor to stop the lights at red at both ends. 
Anyhow, on I ploughed to reach the Rust and  Be Thankless that was beginning to look like  Everest with snow only to find yet another traffic Q. This time, it was a  lorry trying to plough its lonley furrow up the by now rapidly icing incline!. With two impatient yapping dogs in the back pulling faces at the car behind me  we finally set off again. I down discovered that even the slightest pressure on the brakes locked the damn wheels so I gingerly drove down in low gear. After a pit stop at Arrochar  off we trundled only yo find a tree sprachled across the A82 at Tarbet. I'm sure my wee car could have driven under it as it was at a slant but dome jobsworth wouldn't let me. Anyway I got round and set off on my final leg. The entire journey took 3 hours. On Monday, I'm meant to be doing a TV interview for Eourpa on BBC Abla about the Rest!! I will have to be as diplomatic as possible!. 
Didn't expect to have to spend the night in Glasgow.  In the meantime my pal is dog sitting my two at home.
Tomorrow is another day as they say. 

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