
Had an excellent breakfast then drove home in a variety of weathers. Some lashing rain, lots of wet snow, but sunshine once we got to the Pentlands.

Had to take the car back, and then was just making sure I was ready to give a tutorial this evening when we discovered that there had been a cock-up in the time-tabling (sorry, the Learning Events Management System) which meant it hadn't been listed. So I didn't have to do it. Have to do it next week. Meh.

Then D got pinged by the covid app, telling him he'd been in close proximity with someone with a positive test on Saturday - could only have been on the (crowded) bus on his way back through town. Which, ironically, was held up for about 20 min by an anti-vaxxers protest. He went along to the library and got himself a PCR test.......

Just found the neat little sketch JR did with his signature in the copy of English Pastoral.

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