Over the edge

A strange day with a friend very very unwell in Palma, and us receiving updates from my friend, his wife. So lots of phone time.
Asha was off with Charlie's family for they day - they did a big hike this morning which she loved. We had team meeting with Stephen (& Nate as today is a 'bridge' day between fiesta days) which was good if vaguely chaotic with Nate in the mix. Once that was over N and I did his homework which was to decorate a card to be sent to the local hospital - naturally we needed glitter. 
Tonight was Caña Club - good to see people, though sad without James and Rich...but lovely that Marco Longhair was there as he's randomly just moved back to the island! He was in Caña Club when it began as a language exchange 7 years ago!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Sara keeping friends up to date despite the awful time she's going through. Any prayers, please pray.
2) Nate's enjoyment of just the 2 of us doing some craft together. 
3) Mulled wine.

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