
Today had a few difficult moments again.
Last weekend I prepared some portraits of my dad (that was tough) and today I had an appointment at the local photo store to get them printed and framed. This photo store happens to be a client of mine as well, so when I stepped in at 09.30 I could smell the fresh coffee already. We (John and I) spent some time together with the photos I prepared, and of course talked about the recent events. It was difficult enough to see my dad going across on the big screens there, but talking about it was even more difficult. Well, I managed and all and all it was nice to catch up with John and talking about photography was nice as well.
I left after and hour and a half with the framed photos for my mother and sister and myself.

I then went straight to my mother to deliver the photo. She also had coffee ready when I came in. When I showed her the photo, we both had some emotional moments together. Of course she's very happy with the result.

I must confess, I'm very happy with it too. It's a beautiful photo.
On September 12 I had my father in my own studio and made a series of portraits. Little did I know then that exactly two months later he wouldn't be there anymore. It's one of those photos I used now.
In case you wonder why I'm not showing the photo. Well, I'm not ready for that just yet. It doesn't feel right to expose him. Maybe later in time I can add it as an extra. Maybe, maybe not.

By the end of the morning I finally arrived at my office, but I could hardly get any work done. I just still can't concentrate. I don't fight that, so instead I watched a few episodes on Netflix of The Big Bang Theory, on my computerscreen.
Around 16.00 I went home.

By then all the carpenters had just left. Today was also the day the carpenters and painters finally continued their job on my home. New window frames had to be placed and painted. My house is now surrounded with scaffolding. If all goes well, all will be finished somewhere next week. I hope so, I'm done with the mess and hussle and bussle around my house all day (since Nov 8)

By 21.00 I finally sat down on my couch to watch some TV. After a short while I felt a soft warm paw on my shoulder. Toby's way of making contact and letting me know, all will be well.

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