Shag Point

My Dear Princess and Dear Friends,

Today, April and I drove from Dunedin to Timaru for the next room install.

In order to do this we drove past "Shag Point" which April had already seen on the map and had decided was just hilarious. I surmised aloud that it must be due to the local bird life.

"Nah," said Aaron, one of the installers. "It's because people shag there. It's a well-known spot for it."

I was unsure whether to believe this or not. On the one hand, "not". But on the other, "Kiwis". It is hard to say.

So when we drove past it, April insisted we stop and get a picture of the sign. "You made it Symon! You made it to Shag Point!"  

It was a beautiful place, I had to admit. "Makes you want to SHAG, yeah?" said April. 

We moved on.

And indulged in Carpool Karaoke, sending our team video of the two of us NAILING, "...Baby One More Time". April also performed this song. Several times. (You must forgive her, she has just gone through a bad break-up).

After a couple of hours we arrived in Timaru only to find ourselves locked out of the office. We had to wait an hour for blokey to arrive and let us in. We used that time to sit with Aaron and Rob the installers to discuss cats, hedgehogs and possums. 

But once inside Rob and Aaron worked their magic and had the room up and running in just under three hours (a new record for us). We tried a quick test call and it all looked good, but then April raised a concern.

See, the camera looks directly at a big window onto the street. She was concerned the AI in the camera would confuse street-traffic with meeting participants. "Someone needs to go out there and make a noise and wave their arms around," she suggested. "We need to make sure it doesn't confuse the camera."

Enter "somebody". 

So I was out in the street, walking up and down, waving my arms around and talking loudly to myself. "Here I am BEING VERY LOUD!" I said.

"Do the chicken dance! Do the chicken dance!" demanded April.

Which I did. Only to notice that by now there was a crowd of onlookers PISSING themselves laughing at me. At which point, Aaron stuck his head out of the meeting room window.

"We have no idea who this bloke is," he told the onlookers before turning to me. "Would you mind BUGGERING OFF, we're trying to hold a meeting in here!"

My audience thought this was HYSTERICAL. 

You will be glad to hear the camera AI passed the test and didn't get confused by my antics by the way.

So that was that. We will go back tomorrow morning to tidy things up and then head home a day early, hopefully.  

In the evening April went to have dinner with a friend, so I watched "Bob's Burgers" in my room until I was tired (this, at the ridiculously early hour of 8.45pm). It has been a full-on week. 

Don't get me wrong. It has been fun, but I must confess that my loneliness is killing me noo-ooo-oo-oowwww.

Forgive me. It has just been that sort of a trip.


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