
By SkiMe

No Film Grain Needed

Since last night it has been snowing and snowing and snowing...

Kids and I were playing outside this morning when at a certain point we heard what we think was a big avalanche coming down from somewhere high above for about 30 seconds.  Both scary and exhilarating.  There was no immediate danger to us where we were playing.  I'm not sure how far the sound travels with the dampening effect of the falling snow.  The valley is fairly tight where we were and the sound could have been from either side.  I didn't see any signs later in the big avalanche chute that would have been the likely culprit and so would have been higher up.

I have an interesting tale of skiing off-piste some 20 years ago off the top of the Grand Montets after a big snow and hearing the snow settle at the bottom center of a big snow field.  We were three people and we quickly observed our situation and split up to minimize the risk of being buried all together.  The avalanche didn't come thankfully but that sound of the "lion's roar" will remain with me always.

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